Reports & Data Delivery

IDENTIFY and DELIVER information about your heritage area values and resources efficiently and quickly.
IDENTIFY and DELIVER an inventory of heritage values for your project area in an efficient and confidential manner.
Provide RELIABLE and ACCURATE documentation, complete with bibliographical references and resources.
REPORTS and DATA to be documented and delivered in a format approved by the client.
IDENTIFY and DELIVER an inventory of heritage values for your project area in an efficient and confidential manner.
Provide RELIABLE and ACCURATE documentation, complete with bibliographical references and resources.
REPORTS and DATA to be documented and delivered in a format approved by the client.
Signage and Identification

Assist you in developing INTERPRETIVE PANELS and SIGNAGE that promotes your specific heritage assets.
IDENTIFY significant buildings, cemeteries, landscapes, people and events that are unique to your heritage area or project.
IDENTIFY significant buildings, cemeteries, landscapes, people and events that are unique to your heritage area or project.
Planning, Proposals and Promotion

COLLECT and IDENTIFY information on heritage values for Strategic Planning and Economic Development, Cultural Maps and Municipal Cultural Planning*.
Identify FUNDING and assist with GRANT PROPOSALS to compliment your project or planning process.
Identify RESEARCH and MARKETING TOOLS for heritage value planning and development.
Identify FUNDING and assist with GRANT PROPOSALS to compliment your project or planning process.
Identify RESEARCH and MARKETING TOOLS for heritage value planning and development.
* What is a Cultural Map and a Municipal Cultural Plan?
Visit for a look at my work on Wawa's exciting Cultural Mapping Project 2011-2012
Visit for a look at my work on Wawa's exciting Cultural Mapping Project 2011-2012